Estrogen dominance - Second Spring Hormone Clinic

What is estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance refers to a condition where a woman has excess estrogens circulating in her body, more than her body can properly metabolize and excrete. This leads to a hormonal imbalance, as estrogen starts to dominate over progesterone and testosterone levels.

Some key signs and symptoms of estrogen dominance include:

What causes high estrogen levels?

There are a few potential causes, such as:

The worst offender is often an unhealthy gut and poor microbiome diversity. An imbalanced gut flora can recirculate excess estrogens and prevent proper detoxification and elimination.

If you suspect estrogen dominance, getting properly tested is crucial. At Second Spring Hormone Clinic, our functional medicine doctors specialize in comprehensive hormone and gut testing to get to the root causes of hormonal imbalances like estrogen dominance.

We use cutting-edge tests like:

Based on your test results, we create fully personalized treatment plans to rebalance hormones, repair gut health, remove toxins, reduce inflammation, and enhance detoxification. This comprehensive approach helps resolve the underlying issues causing estrogen dominance at their core.

We've helped women of all ages put an end to estrogen dominance symptoms and restore optimal hormone health, energy, mood, and wellbeing once more!

This answer was provided for general education. For medical advice regarding your specific hormone health, please consult your doctor or make an appointment with the experts at Second Spring Hormone Clinic today!

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