Why is my stomach so big during menopause? - Second Spring Hormone Clinic

During menopause, many women notice an increase in abdominal fat, leading to a larger stomach or "middle-age spread." This is a common occurrence due to several factors related to changing hormones and aging. Key reasons for a bigger stomach during menopause include:

So in summary, hormonal changes, aging, lifestyle factors, and genetics all contribute to an expanding waistline for many women as they transition through menopause.

What Can You Do?

The good news is that diet, exercise, and other healthy lifestyle strategies can help promote fat loss and reduce belly size during and after menopause:

A Trusted Option for Hormone Imbalances

If menopausal weight gain or other symptoms are significantly impacting your health and well-being, the caring medical team at Second Spring Hormone Clinic can help. We create custom compounded bioidentical hormone therapy to help patients find relief. Through knowledgeable providers, advanced testing, quality products, and attentive care, we restore hormone balance so women can feel healthy and confident again. Contact us today for a consultation.

I hope these details give you a better understanding of why your stomach may be getting bigger during the menopausal transition. While frustrating, there are many strategies within your control that can promote a flatter, more comfortable midsection. Work closely with your doctor to explore medical and lifestyle options best suited for your needs.

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